Mentorships may include experiential exercises, supervised research, assigned readings, studio visits, critiques and or individualized training, as determined by the student and mentor. To receive credit for the course, students must show sufficient evidence of productive engagement in the mentorship partnership and its corollary creative practice. For students to receive credit and for mentors to receive payment, evaluations forms submitted from both student and mentor before the end of the quarter are required. Mentorships are graded credit/no credit and incompletes are only given in cases of extreme emergency, subject to approval by the program chair.
Before the Quarter begins...
1. Let your advisor know during registration advising that you are considering a mentorship. This will allow them to clear you for registration.
2. Contact a potential mentor: Check out this site, talk to your advisor, and do some research online and in the community to determine an artist/mentor you'd like to work with. Get their email and/or phone number and connect with them in advance to see if they are available and interested in working with you for the quarter you are considering. Do this before submitting the proposal online.
3. Officially propose the mentorship: Once you have an idea of who you will work with and are sure they are available and willing, you, as the student, initiate an official mentorship by submitting the proposal contract form online. (It's right there on the right hand side of this page.) Once you hit "submit" this site automatically sends the completed form to the A&C office, your email and the designated mentor's email -- which is why you need to have their email address in advance.
4. Receive agreement: The mentor receives your proposal automatically in their email, then offically agrees to the mentorship through filling out the online agreement form for mentors. (Again, it's right over there.) A copy of the form will be automatically sent to the A&C office, your (the student's) email and the mentor's email. This is the official mentorship contract.
Both the student proposal and the mentor approval forms must be submitted in order to register for mentorship. Since you must register before the quarter begins or face late fees (or worse), be sure these forms are filled out well in advance of the start of the quarter.
Once both forms are in, you will be cleared to register. The department can authorize you to enroll in mentorships as soon as the forms are in so that you can add the class during regular registration period. If you don't, it may mean registering late or not at all.
5. Register for the appropriate mentorship course online (see course numbers below).
- If you are registering for more than 1 unit of mentorship, you need to call registration directly to add the additional units: 925-969-3353
- If you have more than one mentorship with separate mentors/agreements, register separately for the mentorships. Don't lump the units together in one class.
During the Quarter...
6. Connect with your mentor(s) and do the work as planned. Complete the contact and art process hours as determined by the number of units you are taking. Make sure to document your process and creative work!
7. Once the mentorship is complete, fill out the online student's evaluation form and make sure your mentor fills out the
online mentor's evaluation form . Both forms must be submitted by the last day of the quarter or you will not receive credit for the mentorship. It's your responsibility, as the student, to make sure your mentor fills out the evaluation form on time.
Incompletes will be given for emergencies only!
After the Quarter...
8. Write up a great summary of your experience. Send that and digital documentation of your work to this email address: and we'll post your mentorship on the blog!
A&C 5660 Individual mentorships often form the basis for long-term professional relationships with other artists and they introduce A&C students to the resources of the Bay Area arts community.
A&C 5662 Community mentorships give A&C students an opportunity to facilitate creative processes and art within a community setting as healers and teachers.
A&C 5663 Group mentorships allow students to work in small groups with a single mentor in order to facilitate collaborative works or to explore areas of special interest.
Teaching Assistant mentorships allow students to gain teaching experience by mentoring with faculty at a community college or university as an assistant in the classroom or studio. These mentorships are competitive and require an application process. Award is based on the student's skill and experience as appropriate to the course they are assistant teaching.
More information: teaching assistant mentorships.
Mentorship meeting dates are determined by student and mentor and must be completed within the quarter taken.
Meetings and art practice required vary according to the type of mentorship and number of units.
Individual and Community Mentorships (minimum):
Individual and Community Mentorships (minimum):
1 unit = 3 hours with mentor + 20 hours of practice
2 units = 6 hours with mentor + 40 hours of practice
3 units = 9 hours with mentor + 60 hours of practice
Group Mentorships:
Hours and practice are determined by the total number of units and participants.
Students pay regular tuition fees per unit of mentorship.
The mentor is paid by JFKU upon completion of the mentorship and submission of all forms. For Individual and Community mentorships payment to the mentor is $150.00 per unit. For Group Mentorships payment to the mentor varies, depending on the number of units and students.
In order to be paid, new mentors will have to supply an I-9 form including a social security number. Other forms may also be required. Contact the A&C mentorship coordinator or the university payroll department for more info (925-969-3450).
For independent contractors, payments are mailed within approximately 10 days of the end of the quarter. For adjunct faculty, payments are included in the next regular paycheck. Remember, payments are contingent on the completion of all the above-mentioned forms. Also, please notify us if you move or change address so we can make sure your check finds you.
Group Mentorships:
Hours and practice are determined by the total number of units and participants.
Students pay regular tuition fees per unit of mentorship.
The mentor is paid by JFKU upon completion of the mentorship and submission of all forms. For Individual and Community mentorships payment to the mentor is $150.00 per unit. For Group Mentorships payment to the mentor varies, depending on the number of units and students.
In order to be paid, new mentors will have to supply an I-9 form including a social security number. Other forms may also be required. Contact the A&C mentorship coordinator or the university payroll department for more info (925-969-3450).
For independent contractors, payments are mailed within approximately 10 days of the end of the quarter. For adjunct faculty, payments are included in the next regular paycheck. Remember, payments are contingent on the completion of all the above-mentioned forms. Also, please notify us if you move or change address so we can make sure your check finds you.
For more information about the A&C Mentorship Program, contact: