About the Program

The Arts & Consciousness mentorship program at John F. Kennedy University provides a transdisciplinary model for self-directed students to investigate, research and develop specialized techniques, skills and capacities in conjunction with a creative practice or project. Mentorships may include experiential exercises, supervised research, assigned readings, studio visits, critiques and/or individualized training, as determined by the student's artistic and/or professional objectives.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

FALL Group Mentorship! Lincoln Child Center

Transformative Arts Practice with Children - Group Mentorship, 3 units

Students will provide a 6-session transformative arts group for elementary-aged children in the Oakland public schools.  Students will be working under the auspices of Lincoln Child Center’s HOPE (Helping Open Pathways to Education) Program.  They provide mental health services in public schools in Oakland.  Their schools are located in North Oakland, East Oakland and the Laurel district. (www.lincolnchildcenter.org).