A&C Alumn Ruth Block needs 1 or 2 students TA in class with her this Fall.
She says:
I will have 40 college students (with a waiting list of 10) for the Fall BCC Figure Drawing & Composition, 2 Units. All three levels are in the same class. I need someone (or two) to help me get around to all of them during class, to reinforce the drawing lesson/instruction I've presented, and offer any other help and suggestions individual students may need. Also support during critiques, which I'm dividing in half due to the large size of class.
What I need is someone - or ones- with a strong (at least undergraduate or other training) background in Figure Drawing, Basic Drawing Fundamentals & Composition.
This is a Monday night class, 6-9:50PM (though I usually do a shorter break so I can let everyone go between 9:30-9:40 if possible) Aug 19 - Dec 9th (17 weeks with two Monday Holidays, so only 15 class sessions.) Very close to Downtown Berkeley BART.
Contact me (Amy) to speak to Ruth for more info.