Berkeley City College
Summer 2011
Instructor: Sharon Siskin
Art 20 Beginning Drawing and Composition
Art 21 Continuing Drawing
Art 24 Special Projects in Drawing
The class is comprised of 3 levels of drawing in one classroom; beginning, intermediate and advanced. This 2-unit drawing class meets 3 afternoons a week. Each meeting is 4 hours in length. The summer session at Berkeley City College is 6 weeks long. The class days and times are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1-4:50 PM. The classes will begin Tuesday, June 21st and continue through Thursday July 28th.
The TA will be need to be present for all, or most, of the classes and assist the instructor in the following ways:
- Individual support to the students during classroom time. The TA’s work in this area is very important because of the varying needs and skill levels of the students and because of (sometimes) very full classrooms. TA’s may also help to plan and prepare some of the lessons, in their own areas of interest and expertise.
- TA’s will collaborate with the instructor in leading weekly class critiques.
- Presenting their own studio-based artwork and other presentations related to topics in drawing. The TA can propose which topics they would like to present to the class.
- Helping with set up and break down of the classroom tables, chairs, still life set-ups and other special project preparation.
- Going on class field trips and helping to organize those during class time.
- Helping to document classroom activities, fieldtrips and student artwork, with the option of creating a slideshow for presentation at the end of the 6 weeks.
Skills and qualifications
- TA must have some background in drawing from life and experience with a variety of media and drawing techniques.
- Must have skills in the basics of composition and a basic knowledge of perspective drawing.
- Must have basic skills in participating in and facilitating critiques.
- Must have a good understanding of and appreciation for the creative process.
- Must be compassionate, supportive, patient, direct and have excellent skills in communicating with a broad range of students.
- Must be able to work within a very diverse student body at Berkeley City College. Please be aware that student skill levels and learning styles vary widely. Students’ ages range from age 17 to 75 or older. They are from diverse ethnic, cultural, ability/disability and economic backgrounds.
- TA should be interested in collaborating with the instructor on issues related to the class and be able to help to work with the challenges that come up during the semester with individual students. Finally the TA will work with the instructor in the creation of a safe and supportive classroom community.
I am happy to interview interested JFK students by appointment. Please submit a brief cover letter describing your interest and related skills and/or experience, and 5-10 examples of your artwork on CD or a web site.
For additional information visit link "About Teaching Mentorships"