About the Program

The Arts & Consciousness mentorship program at John F. Kennedy University provides a transdisciplinary model for self-directed students to investigate, research and develop specialized techniques, skills and capacities in conjunction with a creative practice or project. Mentorships may include experiential exercises, supervised research, assigned readings, studio visits, critiques and/or individualized training, as determined by the student's artistic and/or professional objectives.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Body Politic and Gender Topics with Teri Cohn

by Elizabeth Addison   4.11.11

Gender Continuum

This mentorship gave us an opportunity to investigate evolving gender and body related concerns, and their material, theoretical, sociopolitical, and historical implications in art making contexts during the late 20th and early 21st centuries; We considered and debated feminine, masculine, and sexual issues and their variable expression through artistic modes. We explored and critiqued the expression of gender concerns in art through artistic, verbal, and written means.

Highlights included attending and critiquing Lærke Lauta's video installation, Floating Female, at Mills College.  Also, we held Femininitea and Masculinitea events.  Utilizing creative responses, such as a gender manifesto, was an especially powerful method of exploring gender and body concerns in the arts.  Terri challenged long-held perspectives and held us up to high standards.  As a result, we flourished.  Terri Cohn brings to life the Body Politic and Gender Topics in the visual arts.  She is constructive with her input and she is extraordinarily supportive.  Working with her was a revelation on many levels.  I will be incorporating much of what we discussed and learned for a very long time.